
Web Security involves protective measures and protocols that can be adopted by an organisation to protect itself against cybercriminals and threats using the web channel. It is also essential for business continuity and protecting data, users and companies from any risk. 

Web security threats include both attacks launched by malicious actors and vulnerabilities within websites, and they are designed to breach an organisation’s security defences. Examples of these threats are ransomware, cross-site scripting (XSS), malware, phishing, SQL injection, denial of service and many more


The Key Features Of Our Web Security Solutions Include:

A web security gateway can strengthen your organisation against online threats through monitoring and filtering internet traffic meticulously and blocking any traffic that can be deemed as suspicious, malicious or outside of policy. These gateways can inspect web requests and filter these URLs through threat intelligence and security analytics. It can also include the following: 


URL Filtering

Prevent users from visiting certain categories of websites that are inappropriate for business use. Automatic unknown URL classification of previously unseen pages.


Data Breach Prevention

Deep inspection of SSL/TLS traffic as over 70% of the web is encrypted. Protect data against exfiltration attacks. 



Advanced Threat Protection

Threat protection via a powerful combination of real-time traffic inspection, URL reputation, advanced anti-malware and threat intelligence. Ensures that files downloaded from the web are free of threats and malware. 


With our extensive experience and leading products, you can trust in CyberFence to guarantee that your business’s web security is intricately catered to and can defend itself against any potential threats or attacks. 

Let’s talk about how we can help you secure your business.

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