
Red Teaming Service UK

Top-tier Read Teaming services across the United Kingdom.

Penetration testing and red teaming are often used interchangeably as they both adopt an “outside” perspective to strengthen cyber security. Penetration testing often includes the effort of ethical hackers to digitally and physically challenge the strength of an IT infrastructure through three types of tests depending on the information provided to the tester – white box, grey box, and black box. The category of tests depends on the extent of the scope and depth of the testing known beforehand.  

Red teaming is a stealthy procedure that is also a focused, goal-oriented security testing method that works to access a sensitive server or a business-critical application. It involves rigorously challenging plans, policies, systems and assumptions by adopting an oppositional approach. 


Why You Should Trust in Cyber Fence for Red Teaming

Red team tests are multi-layered. That’s why we believe it is important to test every layer of your organisation’s physical and cyber security through an objective-based process.

Discover Vulnerabilities & Assess Risks

Discover Vulnerabilities & Assess Risks

Assess your organisation’s ability to detect and respond to threats.

Exploit & Reconnaissance

Exploit & Reconnaissance

Test your human and physical security capabilities as well as your cyber defences.



Receive comprehensive reports detailing all unearthed security issues.

Implement Security Measures

Implement Security Measures

Strengthen stronger defences and prevent real-life breaches.

The Real Work Begins

The Real Work Begins

Examine how well your organisation can withstand real hacking tools and techniques.


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