

Did you know that the average time it takes for a business to identify a data breach is 197 days? 

That’s almost seven months! And once a business knows they’ve been hacked, it can take another 69 days on average to contain the breach. 

That’s a lot of time for sensitive information to be exposed and for damage to be done.

Here at Cyber Fence, we aim to enhance your data protection and provide you with comprehensive and effective cyber security solutions to strengthen your business’s digital infrastructure. 

incident detection and response company uk

We Offer Professional Security Solutions

Stay Secure and Stay Successful with CyberFence. Contact us now to book a consultation with us!


Orchestration and Automation

Cyber Security Proactive Defence UK Take Your Business To The Next Level. With our orchestration and automation, your organisation is able to have an effective

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Red Team Solutions

Red Teaming Service UK Sometimes, The Best Form Of Defence Is To Attack. Simply put, that is exactly what read teaming does! On-offence methods are

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Social Engineering Solutions

Social Engineering Corporate Protection UK Amateurs Hack Systems, Professionals Hack People. People often represent the weakest link in the security chain and are chronically responsible

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24/7 Cybersecurity Operation Center

  • Malware Detection Removal
  • Managing Cloud Security
  • Content Delivery Network
  • Testing Cyber Security
  • Security Management
  • Identifying Threats
  • SIEM Threat Detection
  • Server Security
  • Website Hack Repair
  • 24/7 Security Support

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